Welcome to Mak and Jack

This is a journal that irregularly chronicles the crazy life, mishaps and adventures we have had since shortly before we traveled to Chongqing, China in August of 2006 to adopt our daughter (a sister for Jack,) Makena.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Chop chop

I an so proud of Jack. He tested for, and received, his brown belt in Tang Su Do karate! The video is of Jack breaking a board with a side kick -- which he must do in order to pass. It is also noteworthy because it is the first footage I have been able to upload to my blog!

There are all kinds of moms out there, "soccer moms," "Little League moms," "Figure skating moms," etc.. I'm a "karate mom". Jack has been going twice and sometimes three times a week since he was four-years old and, to be honest, I never imagined I would be one of those moms who would rearrange her schedule and sit patiently in the sidelines while her child punched and kicked his way to Bruce Lee glory but I guess even I can surprise myself.

During that time, I've probably read a dozen novels and become quite proficient at Sudoku -- mostly to steer clear of the gossipers in the crowd. Don't get me wrong, I love gossip. I have a third degree black belt in gossip (which drives my husband crazy) but sometimes twenty women stuck together in a tight space can be a little intense. I feel like I'm back in high school reliving some kind of personal hell, over and over, and I don't need my karma to go there three times a week -- especially on a bad hair day, of which I seem to have many these days.

Enough about me, the whole point is that I really believe in the focus and discipline a good martial arts instructor can instill in children and I also believe that testing for a belt is good practice for keeping your cool while taking exams in school.

My eight-year old Jack is now officially three shades of "red belts" away from getting his first degree black belt, which means I'm four months away from making good on a promise that I would join him, and take classes with him, at the dojo when he got his first red belt (which is the level you have to be as a kid to take classes with an adult). I am stunned and I can't believe that day is almost here. I wish the uniforms were more flattering...and I wonder what breaking boards will do to my pedicure? Oh, that's right. I don't have time for that anymore. Never mind.

Now, who's going to watch Makena?

Is a karate mom

1 comment:

Stinky Mouse said...

Hey! glad to see you got the video working, that's great! And how cool for Jack to have that moment up on the internet!!

So, are you going to study Kung Fu with Makena?