Welcome to Mak and Jack

This is a journal that irregularly chronicles the crazy life, mishaps and adventures we have had since shortly before we traveled to Chongqing, China in August of 2006 to adopt our daughter (a sister for Jack,) Makena.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I gave my husband a day of sports fishing for Christmas this year. I thought it was original, somewhat convenient -- since we happened to be in Hawaii -- and wouldn't clutter up the shelves or take up closet space like some of my past gifts (unless, God forbid, he actually caught a monster fish and decided to get it stuffed!)

I scheduled the expedition for Christmas Eve so that all the boys could fish together and they set off bright and early like the manly-men that they were, for a very long day at sea. Auntie and I promised them that we would cook whatever they caught and that it would be our Christmas Eve dinner. No pressure. Spam sushi was on the menu if they came home empty handed. You know, the canned ham that won't ever spoil? Otherwise known as the Hawaiian salt-lick.

They were true hunters and gatherers and Jack caught a skipjack and a tuna all by himself! For an eight-year old, he is a veteran of a dozen fishing expeditions, mostly lake, so this was a big deal! The charter company filleted the fish and they came home with twenty-five pounds of tuna steaks. I've never tasted fresher fish in my life! We sliced up the skipjack and ate it like sashimi and poke (a Hawaiian ceviche) and I marinated the steaks and grilled them and it was awesome!!!!!! Auntie took care of making us some deliciously tropical Mai Tais (she's an excellent bar tender) and it was a most excellent celebration and a special first Christmas Eve having Makena finally be a part of our family.

However, since this was "day two" of our vacation, I couldn't see us eating our way through twenty more pounds of fish, no matter how yummy or "Atkins" it was. I know I could have frozen it and taken it home for New Year's but we decided to give it to some locals to enjoy and they were thrilled. As promised, Santa found Jack on the North Shore and managed to spoil him -- go figure -- and his awe and enthusiasm confirmed that he still believed in the man. But I have to admit that the best gift of all (a slightly terrifying one at that) was the gift that Makena gave us! She started to walk! Life, as we know it, is officially over AGAIN!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present: Frankenbaby.

Happy New Year!

Is - watching my children grow up too fast!

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