Welcome to Mak and Jack

This is a journal that irregularly chronicles the crazy life, mishaps and adventures we have had since shortly before we traveled to Chongqing, China in August of 2006 to adopt our daughter (a sister for Jack,) Makena.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I don't know what's gotten into my kids but acrobatics are in the air. I've managed to train my heart not to skip a beat every time I catch them pulling one of their stunts, but the acts are starting to get a wee bit taxing.

The Little League rafters are Makena's jungle gym three days a week and she can't get enough of them. I've given up trying to stop her from climbing them, as have the rest of the parents on the team. I suppose I could equip her with a helmet and pads but I think they would only impede her balance. Add to that her love of launching herself off the couch -- whether you are there to catch her or not, and that sums up her activities for the day.

The electrician was over last Monday and while we were talking about what needed to be done, Makena sneaked up his ladder with her stacking cups. I had my back turned for a few seconds and that was all the time she needed. She had practically reached the top when the electrician saw her and got the shock of his life (every pun intended). I had to calm him down and explain that this was a normal occurrence and not to worry. He instructed me to quickly get my camera -- which I happened to have handy, and then he told me to stand next to her and spot her, because it might make me look like a more caring mother. Nice.

I am seriously tempted to lie about her age and sign her into gymnastics early (she has to be 18 months old,) just to give her softer and safer places to land, if and when she does wipe out. Because I do care. I really, really, do.

If you haven't discovered the Japanese show "Ninja Warriors" yet, you are missing something most excellent -- in the same vein as "Iron Chef" and including the funny, poorly translated voice-overs, only with crazy athletes trying to overcome mind-blowing challenges. We stumbled upon it surfing the channels one day and Jack took to it like a fish to water. We now have it Tivo'd and we watch it religiously. On any given night at our home, you might stumble upon a hastily made obstacle course of pillows and furniture that Jack has created to conquer. We always have to time him as he tries to better himself with every run of the course. As a result, the bathroom and the bedroom door frames are foot-smeared from his attempts to climb them and reach his ultimate goal: to touch the ceiling!

Dreams really can come true.

Is -- a mother to Ninjas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm finally leaving a comment because really, how can I not when I look at the first picture you have of Makena(with the pony tail smack dab on the top of her head) and I swear she looks like Jack. Same face, same expresssion. Jack. The girl Jack. The girl chinese jack. Hi-larious. Joan