Welcome to Mak and Jack

This is a journal that irregularly chronicles the crazy life, mishaps and adventures we have had since shortly before we traveled to Chongqing, China in August of 2006 to adopt our daughter (a sister for Jack,) Makena.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Duchess of Hazard

It's a miracle Makena and I are still alive. I was driving down PCH the other day, headed to Chinatown to pick up some New Year decorations in preparation for the celebration, when I felt a slightly twitchy thing happening on my forehead. I was talking on the phone (multitasking) and I happened to glance up at my rear view mirror to see A SPIDER CRAWLING ALONG MY HAIRLINE. I practically swerved into oncoming traffic, narrowly missing those upright yellow road dividers! Summoning all my sang froid to keep calm, and realizing that I couldn't get over to the shoulder without side-swiping several cars, I dropped the phone and flicked it off. I sighed with relief then freaked out all over again because it went onto Makena! She, thank God, was asleep in her car seat so I didn't worry about her deciding to eat it, but then the critter disappeared again.

I was still going fifty with nowhere to stop, every expletive in the book was shooting out my mouth imagining the nasty bites my baby was enduring, and before I could pull the car over to the shoulder and to a complete stop, THE SPIDER WAS BACK ON MY HEAD! Either the flick-off force hadn't detached it from its silk thread, or the eight-legged crawler had decided that "mi cabeza" was going to be the location for "Charlotte's Web ll". I allowed myself to scream, grabbed my hair brush from my purse and brushed the hell out of my forehead. Yeah. I killed it. I was invincible. I was "Lara Croft, Tomb Raider" (give or take twenty pounds and a good facial). To celebrate, I proceeded to Hill street for some dim sum with my daughter.

So that was on a Monday, on Tuesday, I was doing whatever I was doing when Tiger started circling Makena and a certain waft began to permeate the air. My cue! I gathered up the baby and carried her to her room to change her...and I was stunned. Three years of changing diapers with Jack never prepared me for this. I'd hit the mother-load. We're talking -- my husband's worst nightmare! The kind that makes you second guess the benefits of fiber-rich diets. I had to strip her down and bathe her immediately (it had reached up into her arm pits). So fifteen minutes later, life was good, the baby was clean, but I still couldn't get the odor out of the air and Tiger was now circling me. Why? Because I was soaking in diaper juice! My T-shirt was stained, my arms were smeared, my hair was streaked! So I just moaned and headed for my second shower of the morning feeling like I was toxic waste.

If being a mother isn't hazardous to your health, I don't know what it. And here I thought the spider was bad!

PS Yes, I know the top image is blurry. It's just way too hard to find appropriate pictures for this kind of post!

1 comment:

Emma said...

The spider story freaked me out. I don't know how you didn't manage to lose complete control of the car! Ugh!!