Welcome to Mak and Jack

This is a journal that irregularly chronicles the crazy life, mishaps and adventures we have had since shortly before we traveled to Chongqing, China in August of 2006 to adopt our daughter (a sister for Jack,) Makena.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Papi saw us off at the train station for the next leg of our trip, visiting a girlfriend and her family near La Rochelle (halfway up to Paris) on the Atlantic coast.

Makena has always enjoyed the Thomas shows on TV and one of her most favorite books is "Chugga Chugga Choo Choo," so she was excited to go on a train ride until she actually saw it pull into the station. I could tell that the sight of it impressed her and terrified her because she got very quiet and wouldn't take her eyes off it.
Nevertheless, Makena boarded without resistance and smiled seeing Papi wave goodbye to her. I have to admit that I was relieved to leave Pau with my clothes still fitting me. The amount of food, namely cheese and foie gras and wine that I ingested was nauseating (because I have no self-control). I can't believe my liver stood up to the assault but it did (thank you, mon petit foie). Makena on the other hand, having no say in this traveling adventure, decided to reclaim control by NOT eating (and not sleeping). She's not into bread so baguette meant nothing. She had yogurt, bottles of milk and strawberries, with the occasional cracker as sustenance. But the "piece de resistance" were these drinkable packs of apple sauce. The most brilliant packaging of mess-free kid food I have yet to come across. Why do we not have these in the States? Why, I ask?
Probably because the little yellow cap might be considered a chocking hazard... Still, I think the cleanliness outweighs the health risk.
The portable DVD (with the additional eight-hour battery pack) and a Pixter were my babysitters.
And then we finally arrived at my girlfriend's vacation home and it was paradise. The grounds were spectacular. The wine was refreshing and the souffle was light and fluffy.
They train the branches of their apple trees to grow straight along a wall -- which makes it easier to pick when it bears fruit.
Makena only had eyes for Diego. Partly because he was so charming and partly because she could say his name from watching the Go Diego, go shows.
She let Ines stick flowers in her hair.
But left to her own devices, Makena preferred her hoody, bottle and glasses. (Future rap star?) Chic, chick.

Is - a - looking for Spandex

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