Welcome to Mak and Jack

This is a journal that irregularly chronicles the crazy life, mishaps and adventures we have had since shortly before we traveled to Chongqing, China in August of 2006 to adopt our daughter (a sister for Jack,) Makena.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

And we're off!

Makena's passport came! The bags are packed. The horses are boarded. The house is clean. The house-sitter (man-diva) is coming to keep Tiger and the tortoise company. I'd post a link to the instruction letter he sent me to keep him happy but I'll only give you the highlights. I was to go to Barneys and buy him any "little something" from the fourth floor and up. I was to stock the fridge with cocktail foods -- including vodka and wine and pre-packaged salad stuff. Thank God the thread-count of our sheets is high enough for him to actually sleep on our bedding -- or he may have sent me somewhere else to stock up on linens.

In any case, I did manage to round up the necessary victuals but I ran out of time and I never made it to Barney's. El Misterioso threw a ten-person dinner party at me (on the eve of our departure) and we just, this second, finished cleaning up. Man-Diva will have to settle for a lovely Mexican souvenir gourd mask. I'll select something special. Something Jonathan Adler would approve of (I'm a Top Design junkie)!

Barring any unforeseen delays, we will be on a plane to Cancun tomorrow for a bit of R & R. I can't say that I'm looking forward to the almost five hour flight with Makena on my lap -- because it's highly doubtful that she will stay there. She's gotten into the habit of headbutting me when she gets frustrated. She's also big on "cause and effect." Like hitting me and telling me, "ow!" Or staring at me and dropping her bowl on the floor to get a reaction out of me or to purely say "uh oh."

We've purchased a cheap electronic Yahtzee game (for her) that Jack will be instructed to play with on the plane when Makena starts acting up. The idea being that she will be enthralled with it (because she'll think it belongs to Jack) and absolutely have to have it -- at which point, we'll let her have a mini-tantrum and then make Jack hand it to her! I also have a lollipop as back up and a Margarita as back up if the first two things backfire -- cause the legal drinking age in Mexico is 17 months, right? (kidding, the Margharita is for me!)

If I survive, I'll post again in a couple of weeks.

Hasta la vista amigos!


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